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Musées de l'Abbaye Saint Louis du Temple à Vauhallan

Chemin de Limon
91430 Vauhallan

Latitude : 48.726857 / Longitude : 2.200075

01 69 85 21 00
The Abbaye de Vauhallan is an abbey with two museums. One of them is devoted to the royal family of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette, who were imprisoned at the Temple before being executed.


The other museum houses the works of Mother Geneviève Gallois, who died in 1962. She was a nun and an artist, who drew caricatures before entering the convent, where she turned to depicting religious scenes. She then went on to engraving and, during her final years, designed all of the stained glass windows for the abbatial church.

Informations pratiques


All year round, 1st Sunday and 2nd Sunday of the month at 11.15 am.




Themed tourGuided tours
